Facebook messages warning businesses their page will be deleted are a scam
Administrators of some Facebook business accounts have received warnings about their page being deleted because of trademark infringement. The messages are a scam. Administrators of some Facebook business pages have recently been receiving alarming messages from...
Google sites
مقدمة في المشهد الرقمي الواسع أصبح إنشاء موقع ويب وإدارته أمرًا ضروريًا للأفراد والشركات والمعلمين والمؤسسات لمشاركة المعلومات والتفاعل مع جماهيرهم المستهدفة مواقع غوغل عبارة عن منصة متعددة الاستخدامات وسهلة الاستخدام لإنشاء مواقع الويب تقدمها غوغل فهو يسمح للمستخدمين...
Google Forms
أصبح تطبيق غوغل فورم الحل الأمثل لجمع البيانات بسهولة وإجراء استطلاعات مبسطة توفر هذه الأداة متعددة الاستخدامات التي طورتها غوغل مجموعة من الميزات التي تلبي احتياجات الأفراد والشركات والمعلمين والباحثين على حدٍ سواءمقدمة عن جوجل فورم غوغل فورم هو تطبيق سهل الاستخدام...
Google Slides
(Google Slides) غوغل سلايدز هو تطبيق عبر الإنترنت يقدمه غوغل ويُستخدم لإنشاء وتحرير العروض التقديمية عبر الإنترنت يُعتبر جوجل سلايدز جزءًا Google Docs من حزمة تطبيقات Google Sheets و Google Docs التي تتضمن أيضًا وغيرها من التطبيقات المكتبية السحابية المجانية التي...
Google Docs
هو تطبيق لمعالجة النصوص والوثائق السحابية (Google Docs) المقدم من قبل شركة جوجل، يمكن الوصول إليه عبر الإنترنت ويتيح للمستخدمين إنشاء وتحرير المستندات والجداول الحسابية والعروض التقديمية وغيرها من الوثائق بطريقة تعاونية ومشتركة Google Docs مميزات أولاً- التعاون...
Google suite تطبيقات
Google Suite تطبيقات هي مجموعة من التطبيقات السحابية المتكاملة التي توفرها Google شركة للاستخدام في الأعمال والتعليم. تضم هذه المجموعة مجموعة متنوعة من التطبيقات التي تساعد المستخدمين على العمل والتعاون عبر الإنترنت بشكل سلس وفعال Google Suite سنستكشف بعض التطبيقات...
التخزين على السحابة الإلكترونية
المقدمة تعتبر السحابة الإلكترونية من التقنيات التكنولوجية الحديثة التي غيرت طريقة تخزين ومعالجة البيانات. فهي تعتمد على مفهوم تخزين البيانات وتشغيل التطبيقات على خوادم عبر الإنترنت، مما يوفر مستوى عالٍ من الوصولية والمرونة للمستخدمين. في هذه المقالة، سنستكشف مفهوم...
Benefits Of Using AI In Website Development
Artificial intelligence (AI) has become an increasingly important tool in website development. AI technology has enabled website developers to create websites that are faster, more responsive, and more user-friendly. In this article, we will explore the benefits of...
Adobe Creative Cloud Express Tutorial for Marketing Your Brand
Adobe Creative Cloud Express makes it easier for non-designers and solopreneurs to tell their company's story. Adobe Creative Cloud Express helps individuals without graphic design experience to create a strong brand. Crafting a corporate identity across the web is...
Rebrand Your Business Without Losing Your Audience
Learn how to change your company identity while maintaining your customer base. Rebranding your company can involve updating your design, mission and name. Before tackling this endeavor, consider your strategy and motivation for rebranding. Engage your current...
5 Reasons Why Your E-Commerce Business is Tanking
No matter where you play online in terms of e-commerce, there are fundamentals you need to get right to have success. Now, you could play in the Shopify space and have your own online store, or you could be selling on Amazon.com. E-commerce doesn't discriminate, it...
7 Steps to Starting a Small Business Online
Step 1: Start a business that fills a need. Most people who are just starting out make the mistake of looking for a product first, and a market second. To boost your chances of success, start with a market. The trick is to find a group of people who are searching for...
The Tech That Will Invade Our Lives in 2022
Here we go again: Virtual reality, now called “the metaverse,” will be a thing. So will the smart home. Each year, I look ahead at what’s new in consumer technology to guide you through what you might expect to buy — and what will most likely be a fad. Many of the...
The $2 Billion Emoji: Hugging Face Wants To Be Launchpad For A Machine Learning Revolution
hen Hugging Face first announced itself to the world five years ago, it came in the form of an iPhone chatbot app for bored teenagers. It shared selfies of its computer-generated face, cracked jokes and gossiped about its crush on Siri. It hardly made any money. The...
The Top 10 Tech Trends In 2022 Everyone Must Be Ready For Now
As a futurist, every year, I look ahead and predict the key tech trends that will shape the next few months. There are so many innovations and breakthroughs happening right now, and I can't wait to see how they help to transform business and society in 2022. Let’s...
Ecommerce Trends That Are Powering Online Retail Forward
The ecommerce industry is always changing and this year has been no different. More than ever, merchants are creating and/or improving their ecommerce businesses to meet customers where they are. While it may seem like everything in ecommerce is evolving, we narrowed...
Google Takes Yet Another Run at E-Commerce-and Amazon
Google executive Prabhakar Raghavan recently had an issue with his rose bushes. His wife took a photo of the plants on her phone, uploaded the image to Google, identified the culprit and followed a link for a fungicide. Then she bought it. A seamless transaction that...
5 Best WordPress Membership Plugins (Compared) – 2022
Are you looking to build a membership site in WordPress? Want to know which is the best WordPress membership plugin? Choosing the right membership plugin is crucial for your business because a better platform means more opportunity for growth. In this article, we will...
How To Get Reviews for Your Business and Use Them in Your Content Marketing
Are you a business owner with a modest marketing budget? Here’s a great content marketing idea that doesn’t burn a hole in your pocket — gathering more customer reviews. Yes, you read it right. Online customer reviews can become excellent marketing content, especially...
What Is the Facebook Metaverse and How Does It Impact Your Small Business?
Big news came out of Facebook with the announcement of Meta. Meta is the Facebook rebrand where the aim is to continue bringing people together and connecting them. An essential part of this is focusing on the AR/VR world. And in fitting, it was announced at the...