Google suite تطبيقات

Google suite تطبيقات

  Google Suite تطبيقات

هي مجموعة من التطبيقات السحابية المتكاملة التي توفرها

Google شركة

للاستخدام في الأعمال والتعليم. تضم هذه المجموعة مجموعة متنوعة من التطبيقات التي تساعد المستخدمين على العمل والتعاون عبر الإنترنت بشكل سلس وفعال

Google Suite سنستكشف بعض التطبيقات الرئيسية في

ونسلط الضوء على فوائدها واستخداماتها المختلفة

: Google Drive

منصة تخزين سحابية تتيح للمستخدمين حفظ ومشاركة الملفات عبر الإنترنت. يمكنك رفع الملفات من جهاز الكمبيوتر الخاص بك والوصول إليها

الخاص بك Google من أي مكان باستخدام حساب

أيضًا مشاركة الملفات Google Drive  يتيح

والتعاون في الوقت الفعلي مع الآخرين، مما يجعله أداة قوية للعمل الجماعي وإدارة المستندات

 Google Docs

هو تطبيق معالجة النصوص السحابي الذي يتيح للمستخدمين إنشاء وتحرير المستندات عبر الإنترنت

يوفر هذا التطبيق واجهة سهلة الاستخدام ومجموعة من الأدوات التعاونية، مثل التعليقات والمشاركة المباشرة، مما يسهل على المستخدمين العمل سويًا على نفس المستند بشكل فعال

: Google Sheets

يعد بديلاً سحابيًا لبرنامج إكسل حيث يتيح للمستخدمين إنشاء وتحرير جداول البيانات عبر الإنترنت. يتميز بميزات متقدمة مثل الحسابات الآلية والرسوم البيانية والتنسيق المشترك، مما يتيح للفرق العمل التعاون في الوقت الفعلي على جداول البيانات وتحليل البيانات بشكل مشترك

: Google Slides

هو تطبيق العروض التقديمية السحابي الذي يساعد المستخدمين على إنشاء عروض تقديمية احترافية بسهولة، يتيح هذا التطبيق إمكانية إضافة النصوص والصور والرسومات والرسائل التوضيحية والتأثيرات الانتقالية، يتميز بإمكانية المشاركة المباشرة مع الآخرين والتعاون في الوقت الفعلي أثناء إنشاء العروض التقديمية

: Google Forms

هو تطبيق الاستبيانات والاستطلاعات السحابي الذي يتيح للمستخدمين إنشاء استبيانات مخصصة وجمع البيانات بسهولة، يمكنك إضافة أسئلة متنوعة مثل النصوص والاختيار من بين خيارات متعددة والمقاطع الصوتية والصور، يقدم هذا التطبيق أيضًا تحليلات مفصلة للبيانات المجمعة، مما يسهل فهم النتائج واستخلاص الأرقام الهامة

: Google Calendar

يعد تطبيقًا لإدارة الوقت والتقويم الشخصي والمشاركة، يمكن للمستخدمين إنشاء الأحداث والاجتماعات وتعيين التنبيهات ومشاركة التقويم مع الآخرين، بالإضافة إلى ذلك

Google Suite فهو يتكامل مع التطبيقات الأخرى في

مما يسهل جدولة الاجتماعات والمهام والمشروعات

Google Suite هذه هي بعض التطبيقات الرئيسية في

يمكن استخدامها بشكل فردي أو مجتمعة لتعزيز التعاون والإنتاجية في الأعمال والتعليم

بفضل الطبيعة السحابية لهذه التطبيقات، يمكن الوصول إليها من أي جهاز متصل بالإنترنت، مما يتيح للمستخدمين العمل والتعاون

التخزين على السحابة الإلكترونية

التخزين على السحابة الإلكترونية


تعتبر السحابة الإلكترونية من التقنيات التكنولوجية الحديثة التي غيرت طريقة تخزين ومعالجة البيانات. فهي تعتمد على مفهوم تخزين البيانات وتشغيل التطبيقات على خوادم عبر الإنترنت، مما يوفر مستوى عالٍ من الوصولية والمرونة للمستخدمين. في هذه المقالة، سنستكشف مفهوم السحابة الإلكترونية وأهميتها، بالإضافة إلى الفوائد التي تقدمها للأفراد والمؤسسات.

:مفهوم السحابة الإلكترونية

تعتبر السحابة الإلكترونية بيئة افتراضية تتيح للمستخدمين تخزين ومشاركة البيانات وتشغيل التطبيقات عبر الإنترنت. بدلاً من الاعتماد على الأقراص الصلبة المحلية أو الخوادم الخاصة التي كانت تستخدم سابقاً، يتم تخزين البيانات على خوادم بعيدة يديرها مزودو خدمات السحابة. يمكن الوصول إلى هذه البيانات بسهولة من أي جهاز متصل بالإنترنت، مما يوفر سهولة الوصول والتوافر العالي

:فوائد السحابة الإلكترونية للأفراد *

أحد أهم فوائد السحابة الإلكترونية للأفراد هو التخزين الآمن للبيانات. بدلاً من التخزين المحلي الذي يمكن أن يتعرض لمخاطر الفشل التقني أو الضياع، يمكن للأفراد تخزين ملفاتهم وصورهم ومستنداتهم الهامة في السحابة الإلكترونية بطريقة آمنة وموثوقة

وبالإضافة إلى ذلك، توفر السحابة الإلكترونية مستوى عالٍ من الوصولية والمرونة. يمكن للأفراد الوصول إلى ملفاتهم والتطبيقات السحابية الخاصة بهم من أي مكان وفي أي وقت، بغض النظر عن الجهاز الذي يستخدمونه. هذا يسمح بمزيد من السهولة في مشاركة الملفات والتعاون مع الآخرين

:فوائد السحابة الإلكترونية للمؤسسات *

تعد السحابة الإلكترونية حلاً فعالاً للمؤسسات. بدلاً من الاستثمار في البنية التحتية الضخمة والخوادم الخاصة، يمكن للمؤسسات استخدام خدمات السحابة لتخزين ومعالجة البيانات. هذا يتيح لهم تقليل التكاليف الرأسمالية وتوفير مرونة أكبر في تلبية الطلب المتغير على الموارد التكنولوجية

وبالإضافة إلى ذلك، تقدم السحابة الإلكترونية للمؤسسات قدرة توسعية عالية. يمكن للشركات زيادة سعة التخزين والموارد التي يستخدمونها بسهولة وفقًا لاحتياجاتهم المتغيرة، وذلك دون الحاجة إلى شراء وتكوين معدات جديدة

: الاستنتاج *

تعتبر السحابة الإلكترونية تحوّلًا رقميًا مهمًا في عصرنا الحالي. بفضل مرونتها وقابليتها للتوسع والوصولية العالية، توفر السحابة الإلكترونية فوائد جذابة للأفراد والمؤسسات. ستستمر التكنولوجيا المستندة إلى السحابة في أن تلعب دورًا حيويًا في تطورنا الرقمي المستقبلي، حيث يتزايد اعتمادنا على تخزين ومعالجة البيانات عبر الإنترنت لتحقيق الكفاءة

Benefits Of Using AI In Website Development

Benefits Of Using AI In Website Development

Artificial intelligence (AI) has become an increasingly important tool in website development. AI technology has enabled website developers to create websites that are faster, more responsive, and more user-friendly. In this article, we will explore the benefits of using AI in website development and how it is being used to create better websites.

more user-friendly and engaging

One of the primary benefits of using AI in website development is the ability to create websites that are more responsive. AI technology can analyze user behavior on a website and adjust the website’s design and content to better meet the needs of the user. This means that website developers can create websites that are more user-friendly and engaging, which can lead to higher conversion rates and increased customer satisfaction.  

Greater speed in creating websites

Another benefit of using AI in website development is the ability to create websites that load faster. AI technology can analyze the data from a website and identify areas where the website can be optimized for speed. This means that website developers can create websites that load quickly, even on slower internet connections. This is particularly important for mobile websites, where slow loading times can lead to frustrated users and lost sales.

Provides protection from electronic threats

AI technology is also being used to create websites that are more secure. AI algorithms can analyze website traffic and identify potential security threats, such as DDoS attacks or malware infections. This means that website developers can create websites that are better protected against cyber threats, which is increasingly important in today’s digital landscape.

Develop mechanisms to respond to customer requests

Another area where AI technology is being used in website development is in the area of chatbots and virtual assistants. Chatbots are becoming increasingly popular on websites as a way to provide customer support and answer user questions. AI technology can be used to create chatbots that are more responsive and effective at answering user questions, which can lead to increased customer satisfaction and improved user experience.

Create personalized recommendations tailored to user interests

Finally, AI technology is being used to create websites that are more personalized. AI algorithms can analyze user data and create personalized recommendations for products or services based on the user’s interests and preferences. This means that website developers can create websites that are more engaging and tailored to the needs of the user.

In conclusion,

AI technology is becoming an increasingly important tool in website development. By using AI algorithms, website developers can create websites that are more responsive, faster, more secure, and more personalized. As AI technology continues to evolve, we can expect to see even more innovative uses of AI in website development in the future.

By Nour Tarzi

Adobe Creative Cloud Express Tutorial for Marketing Your Brand

Adobe Creative Cloud Express makes it easier for non-designers and solopreneurs to tell their company’s story.


  • Adobe Creative Cloud Express helps individuals without graphic design experience to create a strong brand.
  • Crafting a corporate identity across the web is an integral part of growing your business.
  • Formerly Adobe Spark, Adobe Creative Cloud Express integrates all of Spark’s tools into a single app for ease of use.
  • This article is for small business owners or solopreneurs who are looking to create sophisticated marketing materials but have little graphic design experience.

Adobe Creative Cloud Express, formerly Adobe Spark, is a suite of integrated cloud apps targeted to non-designer marketers, solo entrepreneurs, small businesses and professionals who seek a sophisticated way to connect with customers. Adobe’s Creative Cloud Pro apps may be too much of a good thing, and Microsoft Word’s features may be too little. Businesses that don’t have the time for art school or money to hire design professionals can rely on the Express app to make an online splash for a product or service.


Adobe Creative Cloud Express offers the opportunity to create branded stories, helping you craft your own corporate identity across graphics, video and web content to connect with customers and generate a following. It provides an easy way to create professional-looking event flyers, Instagram memes, product demo videos, animations, photo journals, and websites for sharing on desktop, laptop and mobile.

Express takes a template-first approach to creating content, providing built-in access to stock images and other assets. It is designed to be more accessible for the typical user than many of the Adobe Creative Cloud apps. While Express is similar to its predecessor, Spark, there are some key differences – the most important of which is that all of its capabilities are unified into one single app, as opposed to Video, Page and Post apps for different needs.

Who can access Express?

Any Creative Cloud subscription – from the $50 monthly package to the $10 monthly Photography plan – offers free access to the Express app. Users can opt for a free version of the app or pay $9.99 per month for a more sophisticated version, which offers additional capabilities and access to a larger stock library.

Free users will have access to a portion of Adobe Stock, the platform’s library of images and other assets. About 1 million images and assets are available with the free version. Premium plan users have access to a much larger library of assets, which includes 175 million photos and 20,000 fonts. Premium users can also use Photoshop Express and Premiere Rush, which are separate apps.

The Express app is available free of charge and without subscription for anyone not interested in the custom branding features. Basic editing and photo effects are available for all in-app users as well.

For those interested in the premium plan, there are tons of customizable branding features, as well as photo and video editing capabilities, that will allow you to expand your brand.

Building a brand

You can use your own logo or create an original one in Express. Just upload your current logo into the Express system and then select elements such as colors, fonts and a brand name. Express uses Adobe’s artificial intelligence engine to generate complementary color palettes and pair curated fonts to create personalized templates and themes so that your look is polished and professional.

Express will then generate a host of branded templates, themes and surfaces, including business cards, stationery, social media covers, flyers, page headers and footers, video stamps, and outros. Any changes you make are universal across templates. You can also create specific variations so that different logos or themes can represent different aspects of your business or seasonal messages.

Get started with Express

1. Launch Express on the web and click Add Brand to open an interface that lets you start creating your brand identity.

2. If you already have a logo design, upload the file in PNG format. Otherwise, use the tool to help you build a text-based logo. Use a transparent PNG to ensure your logo can be used with any color or patterned background.

3. Express will take your primary color and generate a palette of complementary colors. Experiment with the colors until you’re pleased with the result.

4. Select your font. Most non-designers are not font experts, but Express lets you select from a slate of curated fonts to find the one that best represents your company.

5. Name your brand.

6. After you choose a main font from categories such as Classic, Loud, Clean, or Natural, Express automatically pairs it with a companion secondary font that goes well with your selection.

7. Express will generate custom templates for numerous types of documents, including business cards, social media covers, flyers, stationery and video stamps.

8. Choose video and graphic themes to use with any other branding assets so that all your business communications have a common logo, color and font set.

9. Experiment with variations on your theme – your initial choices are not set in stone. Express makes it easy to alter the look and feel of your branding at any time. If you choose a new font or color setting, the app’s style-linking feature automatically updates all the document types and themes that font or color appears on.

10. To change a single template for a special or seasonal promotion, click on the one you want to use. The Start From control lets you change only that item without applying changes to other templates.

11. You’ll be able to make granular choices in layout, color scheme, background and text. You’ll also be able to swap out logos, keeping all changes confined to a certain number of templates. Use template elements to change your design, layout, palette, background and text.

12. The Express app provides access to video editing tools that let you choose how to brand your videos in the same manner as your posts and pages.

13. You can adjust many different aspects of Page themes, such as color and font. 

14. Work on the go. Everything you can do from the web app can also be accomplished on the mobile app for iPhone and iPad. If you enable syncing, all changes automatically appear in all locations.

User-friendly design with Adobe Creative Cloud Express

If you’re looking for a polished online presence with content that includes graphics, video and web, Adobe Creative Cloud Express may be your alternative to design school. On the Express website, Adobe offers tips on getting started and best practices for using both the web app and the mobile app. If you are already a Creative Cloud subscriber, Express is a no-brainer. If you’re not, you don’t have to plunk down cash right away. Try Adobe Express apps online or via iOS free of charge to get a feel for what the service offers. If you don’t mind Adobe Express branding – the free version won’t allow you to remove the Express watermark from your projects –  you never have to pay a dime. However, if you want to push your own brand, Express makes that easy for $9.99 per month.


Source :


Rebrand Your Business Without Losing Your Audience

Learn how to change your company identity while maintaining your customer base.


  • Rebranding your company can involve updating your design, mission and name.
  • Before tackling this endeavor, consider your strategy and motivation for rebranding.
  • Engage your current customer base throughout the process.
  • This article is for small business owners seeking to rebrand.

Rebranding can take many forms, from renaming your company to implementing a new business model. While these changes are taking place, businesses must still work to connect and communicate with customers.

Is it possible to rebrand a business without losing your audience and disappointing current customers? Find out what a rebrand involves and learn tips from five business owners on how to make it all work.

What does a rebrand involve?

Modernizing design

Your business may have outgrown the design you initially put together years ago and maybe it’s time for a refresh. Overall design can include your company’s logo, email templates, brand colors, website and business cards. Because these design elements are so closely aligned with your firm, it’s imperative to allocate significant time and resources to create a comprehensive plan that touches each element.

Updating mission and vision

A successful business must adapt to an evolving world and changing customer preferences. Maybe your business started selling one product but have since added more popular items. When an opportunity to expand or reach a new market presents itself, it’s time to rethink brand strategy for customers to continue to connect. It is important to consistently look at how your customers engage with your brand and adapt with their changing habits.

Renaming your organization

Much like the design, your business may have outgrown its name. Perhaps your company merged with another so the name must reflect the new partnership. In any case, a name is what is most associated with a business, so changing it must not be taken lightly. The name should reflect the company’s identity and support your core mission, but is still able to adjust to future growth.

What to consider during a rebrand

Rebranding your business can add value, market share and customer engagement while making you stand out from competitors. It is, however, an incredibly complicated undertaking that requires planning, strategy and research.

1. Know why you are rebranding.

A rebrand is a major undertaking, involving your marketing, web presence, client list, employees and mission. The process is more likely to succeed if you can focus on a compelling reason to change.

As head of marketing and customer support for RetireReady Solutions, David Black helped guide his company through a rebrand that involved both a major name change and a refocusing of services. In their case, a rebrand was necessary to encourage growth and clarify their services. However, if that’s not the case for your business, he explained that rebranding could do more harm than good.

“If it isn’t essential, there may be easier ways to grow your business,” Black said. “If [your] company is leaning toward rebranding, make sure to think through everything that will be affected and consider the time, expense, and work that will need to go into it, and whether the [return on investment] will justify the expense and effort.”

When Rod Hughes, president of Kimball Hughes Public Relations, helped oversee the company’s rebrand from Kimball Communications, he worked hard to disclose that the change was primarily about earning and maintaining their clients’ trust.

“I became an owner [and] partner in the business in 2016, and we wanted clients to understand when they worked with me, they were working with a decision-maker for the business,” Hughes said. “We felt it was important to our existing clients, as well as prospective clients, to see a continuity of leadership and a long-term transition plan for management of the agency.”

2. Plan a comprehensive strategy before you begin.

Many businesses are surprised by the complexities involved in a rebrand. While initial plans may focus on a new name and matching domain, the process is likely to involve designing new logos, products, a new website design and content, product guides, the services you offer and even the clients you pursue. To ensure the process runs smoothly without losing customers, have a strategy in place before you begin.

“The decision to rebrand was a fairly easy one to take,” Black said. “The difficulties arose in the details and the implementation. Like peeling back layers of an onion, you don’t realize all that goes into a rebrand until you get into it.”

Plan for the changes that will need to be made as well as which parts of your marketing and business strategy will be affected. Designate members of your team to be in charge of each area, from making design decisions to communicating with the public.

“Rebranding is a process through which you reset your mission and priorities going forward … [so] work to reflect that in your branded materials as well as in the minds of your customers,” Hughes said. “It’s a significant undertaking and should be treated as such.”

3. Anticipate questions and concerns.

Communicating with customers during a rebrand is key to maintaining your existing client relationships. If customers don’t understand why changes are occuring, they may lose trust in the business, and you could see a significant drop in revenue.

Brian Moak, owner of HEART Certified Auto Care based in Chicago, rebranded his family’s business to expand it into a national franchise. But during the process, he found that many existing customers worried that the name change and expansion meant the family-owned business had been bought out. To preserve their trust, Moak worked to anticipate the questions customers would have and provide answers before they took their business elsewhere.

“During a rebranding process, keep your communication simple, straightforward, and speak to people’s fears and concerns,” Moak said. “Change is scary, and people … need clear explanations and reassurance to understand, support, and buy into your vision.”

When marketing agency RepuGen – formerly GMR Web Team – rebranded to focus on clients in the healthcare industry, owner and founder Ajay Prasad found that understanding the concerns of employees was as important as anticipating questions from customers. Employees, he pointed out, are the ones responsible for communicating with customers, and without their support and understanding, customers will be left in the dark.

“Make sure you have a sound business reason for rebranding,” Prasad said. “Discuss [it] with your team and get their buy-in. That way, your employees can easily communicate it to existing and potential clients, and understand the goals they should be tracking. Every rebrand is meant to improve a business, so everyone needs to understand where to expect those improvements.”

4. Publicize your rebrand.

Communicating with your customers doesn’t have to be internal or even private. All of these business leaders found that talking about their rebrand as publicly as possible didn’t just help them maintain their current level of business – it led to an increase.

“We … used social media, press releases, and media contacts to communicate with customers and the general public,” Black said. “We saw an increase in traffic to our website and greater interest in our company because there was a better understanding of what we offered, and it was easier to find us in search engines.”

When Moak’s team went public about the reasons for HEART’s rebrand, his customers stepped up to offer their encouragement and support. “Our customers are thrilled that we are trying to expand our mission to other communities,” he said.

Kris Gösser, vice president of marketing at Shipium, oversaw the rebrand of his former company, Datica, right before its industry’s largest trade show of the year. With such a high-profile event coming up, Datica’s team was slated to publicly discuss the rebrand and the reasons behind it.

“We had an overwhelming positive reaction from our customers,” Gösser said. “They definitely liked our new name, new identity, new aesthetic and new vibe in the market. [Customers] were more happy to associate with Datica than they were with [our former] brand.”

5. Prepare your existing customers.

Strategies like being transparent about your rebrand and having a clear plan for how to accomplish it will go a long way toward retaining customers. But the best way to avoid a drop in business is to focus on maintaining excellent service, no matter what else is going on. Learn more about maintaining customer service to avoid drop-off in business.

“If possible, ensure that the rebrand affects your existing clients as little as possible,” Prasad said. “It will take time for the new focus to start paying off, so you do not want the current revenue flow to drop.”

In the course of its rebrand, RepuGen narrowed its client-acquisition focus to the healthcare industry. But Prasad also made sure that existing non-healthcare clients knew they were still a priority. “We sent a blast [by email] telling them that we will only accept healthcare-related businesses as new clients and that nothing will change for them. Our clients like us, and no one had any issue with our repositioning decision. We even kept our old website live … and told our non-healthcare clients to use [it].”

Hughes found that his firm’s rebrand took longer than anticipated, partly because existing clients had to be the company’s top focus. “The process of rebranding will take longer than you expect,” he said. “Competing priorities – especially client- or customer-facing priorities – will always require your time and attention ahead of the rebrand.”

That willingness to delay the rebrand to focus on service paid off, Hughes added. The firm didn’t lose a single client during or after the rebrand, and old customers are just as happy as new ones.


Source :


5 Reasons Why Your E-Commerce Business is Tanking

No matter where you play online in terms of e-commerce, there are fundamentals you need to get right to have success. Now, you could play in the Shopify space and have your own online store, or you could be selling on E-commerce doesn’t discriminate, it will beat you down and spit you out if you don’t get things right across every part of the business. I have extensive experience in both Shopify and selling on Amazon and I’ve seen literally thousands of products that are selling online.


I understand what works, but most importantly, I know the reasons why your e-commerce business is tanking.


Your unit price is too high


This one is obvious, but you would be surprised how many times I see people get this wrong. Your e-commerce business could be tanking because you have no profit left over after costs. It’s simple, if you have a high unit price from your supplier this will impact your profit. The reason unit price is so important is that we are bound by the market and what we can sell our products for. So, we need to ensure that we have a unit price that will allow us to factor in other costs such as packaging, shipping, tariffs, ad spend and more. The aim is to make a profit for every single unit we sell online after all the hidden costs are factored in. Margin solves all problems, so negotiate a good unit price.


Your niche is too small


What keeps e-commerce stores afloat is product sales, and to make sales you need to be selling in a niche that has demand. If you’re selling in a niche that has low demand, your sales will reflect this. It’s as simple as that. So, one problem you may encounter is selling in a low demand niche. And to be honest, there’s not much you can do about it. The only thing you can do is to launch more products in niches with high demand. The product in a low demand niche could be utilized as an upsell on your e-commerce store to increase your average order value. The key lesson here is to always launch products backed by data. You need to always confirm that there is a large addressable market who you can sell to.


Your ad costs are high


Remember the hidden costs that I mentioned above? Well, ad spend is a key component that you need to factor in to ensure profitability. This is where the difference is exposed between selling your products on Amazon via the FBA (Fulfilled by Amazon) or FBM (Fulfilled by Merchant) program or having your own online store. When selling on Amazon, you already have traffic and most importantly, it’s traffic with buying intent. This is the holy grail for e-commerce businesses. If you have your own e-commerce store, you need to generate traffic and you guessed it, traffic costs money. So, to give yourself the best chance of winning, it all comes back to your margin. If you have an insane profit margin, you can absorb high ad spend and still make a profit.


ROAS (return on ad spend) is a metric you need to understand to assess any given ad campaign’s performance. If your ROAS is poor, you need to kill the ad. Successful online sellers have campaigns with multiple ad groups that are targeting the same or similar targeted interests. On top of this, each ad in the ad group has a different creative and it’s all about testing. The ROAS is always being monitored and ads with a good ROAS are being fed more ad spend. Ads with poor ROAS are being turned off. If your ROAS is too high across the board, you are only making the platform you’re advertising on more wealthy. Monitor the data and try not to persevere with poor ads. Fast decisions are needed in this situation.


Poor product quality


You’ve done all the hard work; you’ve advertised your products online and you’ve made a sale. You would think that you can rest easy now. I’ve got news for you, you’re wrong. Because now the ultimate test comes when the customer receives your goods. They instantly assess the quality of the product and value for money. If your product is poor, you are possibly going to get a return, a poor review, a negative comment on your ad post or all three! Ensuring you’re selling a good quality product is super important to avoid the above scenarios.


The best way to make sure you’re selling a good quality product is to get the product in your hands and make your own assessments. Or, engage a QC (quality control) inspection company to do the inspection on your behalf. I’ve seen e-commerce businesses sell items that were poor and it was a nightmare. Especially when they have 5,000 units sitting in their garage or warehouse. So be diligent with this part of the e-commerce business and make sure the quality is perfect before pulling the launch trigger.


Product imagery is poor


Online, consumers shop with their eyes. I’ll say it again, buyers shop with their eyes. So your hero image and supporting product images need to be high quality. Think about it. If you’re buying something online and the images are blurry or look fake, will that instill enough confidence in you to purchase that product? No!


With product images, you need to invest money. You need to hire an awesome photographer or 3D renderer to create stunning, crystal-clear images. Also, you need to plan your sequence of images like you’re telling a story. The hero image is the star of the show. But, the other images and infographics are the supporting actors trying to convince people to buy your goods. In conclusion, having an e-commerce store is tough, but it can be very lucrative, fun, enjoyable and rewarding if you eliminate the above mistakes.


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